söndag 17 januari 2016

Final project files

What is our project about?

This project is an integration of various emerging technologies, including Virtual Reality, motion tracking controls and consumer quadrotors, while permitting future expansion, with the attempt to make a more immersive experience when controlling devices in more and new ways, in this case, a quadrotor with a Virtual Reality hybrid controlling with a motion tracking control and a gamepad.

To achieve so, this project combine those three new and emerging technologies (Virtual Reality (VR), motion tracking controls and consumer quadrotors, commonly named as drones) with the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2), the Leap Motion and the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0.

Finally, we need to say that this project is a continuation of the RiftDrone project adding support for Leap Motion and Unity 5. As many projects involving motion control focus more on the technology than usability LeapRiftDrone is an attempt expand the VR experience rather than changing it.

The team behind this project:

  • Sebastian Havås Klug
  • Edmundo Elizondo - GitHub


For those searching the final versions of the project files, here is a list of what has been done so far:
For those who are lazy and just want to get everything, just download the entire Google Drive project folder as a ZIP-archive of everything above.

Beware that for the project source you will need to use Unity 5.1.2p3 or later !


A demo video of the current project in YouTube:

Last info

Useful links or other information of interest related to the project

The libraries that were used in the project are:

  1. Ruslan-B - AR.Drone C# Framework
  2. Ruslan-B - FFmpeg.AutoGen
  3. Task Parallel Library for .NET 3.5
  4. XInputDotNet
  5. Oculus Utilities for Unity 5
  6. Leap Motion Unity Core Assets v3.0.0
  7. HoverVR
Some interesting links and news about how is the technology used in the project as today:
You may also want to find on the project source some Reusable components, such as:

  • The Take off and Launch HoverVR modified buttons for Unity and LeapMotion.
  • Some code snippets and functions for obtaining the current Wi-Fi strength in Windows system  as on the original project.

For more future possible new, updates and changes made, again, please check the GitHub project Home page!

Thank everyone !